my experience with the wagon of death. 😓

This happened one morning at about 2, almost 3 in the morning, when the road was calm, the grinding of the wheels was heard and the dogs began to bark with an auyar of despair, what was heard at that moment was so chilling .


  1. that scary, I would not like to hear it. :((

  2. I had already heard that legend, in fact in Tlalixtac, the town where I live, they say what happens in a specific alley, they say that its exact time is at 3 in the morning, many residents have heard it and the noise of noise is terrifying. the bones ringing like bells

  3. How scary to hear noises like that at dawn, and even more so if it's that of the wagon of death, luckily it hasn't happened to me yet.

  4. How scary! I hope I don't have to go through that horrible experience.

  5. How scary, we have to be very careful when going out at night, from 12 onwards it is already very dangerous, since it is the time when these types of spirits appear the most, both witches, nahuales and death

  6. Just like that I want to live for a moment, maybe if I'm scared to death but I can't wait jaja

  7. Something similar happened to my parents, they were awake late at night since my one-month-old sister was very sick. Suddenly my mother heard a car and told my father, both horrified began to pray and ask to be seen. nothing will happen

    How scary haha ​​I hope you're well and that it hasn't taken you what luck.

  9. wow that's really scary, good thing it was just sounds


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