Legend of La Carreta de la Muerte in the City of Oaxaca!!

 Legend of La Carreta de la Muerte in the City of Oaxaca.


He says that in those days, our notsoquiet city of Oaxaca lacked lighting and it was like the night that President L贸pez Mateos inaugurated the Temascal light: in the dark. And in the direction of the convent of Las Capuchinas "from above", that is to say, by La Soledad, by what is now Avenida Morelos, and near the temple of San Jos茅, an event worthy of recounting occurred:

There began to be talk in the neighborhood among the people of good faith and timorous, of a fright that used to appear in the Callej贸n de la Soledad: it was said the nuns who spent a few nights “watching” for penance a squeak, like that of a heavy cart that passed over the cobblestones of the narrow alley.
Another, a certain Do帽a Nila, a self righteous old woman, swore that she had leaned out of her window, to contemplate horrified before falling in a faint, of course, according to her children's certification- that it was a cart covered to the top with black crepes, dragged by black oxen and led by none other than death itself covered in a white shroud...
It is said that the night owls avoided heading and the people went home early, the heavy doors well barred to dedicate themselves to their prayers, and it is said that even the chaplain of the convent tried to conjure up, organizing a procession every Friday carrying an image of Jesus Christ carrying his cross with the help of the Cirineo to a hermitage that was exactly at number 8 of today's Morelos avenue, walking along the dark alley where it was said that terror appeared. Since then, what is now 3rd of Morelos was called "Street of the Cirineo".


  1. Very good story, there are many people who have lived experiences similar to that. Personally I have not experienced something like this but here is a video about the death wagon in the center of Oaxaca.


  2. interesting history of oaxaca, The wagon of death is a legend that has been seen and told in many places in Mexico, Oaxaca is no exception.

  3. Jessica Ortiz:
    How scary, in Oaxaca there are many legends, I think we should be more careful, I would not like to experience any, especially this one.

  4. I also have heard about this legend, it is really interesting due to my grandma's said to hear it when this was passing through her street.

  5. We hope it stays that way, and we don't find it soon馃槹

  6. I would have loved to know or live in those years when the city of Oaxaca was small and lonely

  7. How scary, outside my uncle's house the wagon of death was heard

  8. omg, this story was very interesting and scary

  9. I have never heard the wagon of death but I would like to hear it 馃ゴ


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