Juanito's story!😲

This story was told by an old friend named Juan, whom they called "Juanito" out of affection, who lived in one of the popular neighborhoods of Escuinapa and in his childhood had to listen and watch the passing of the wagon of death.

According to him, Juanito, along with other cousins ​​of the same age, used to go to play the lottery at an aunt's house. Many days they stayed until the wee hours of the morning to play and have fun for a while.
When he returned home, his grandfather told him that playing this game at night was "something of the devil" and that it was not good, but Juanito took it as a joke.
After several days of lottery, Juanito returned home after midnight and his grandfather repeated the same thing, that it was not good to play until late. Being at home and trying to sleep, he could not fall asleep, his grandfather's phrase was not forgotten.
After staying awake for a while, he heard the dogs barking and the chickens cackling, which at that time were in almost all the houses, between the scandal of the animals he managed to hear the trotting of horses and the rolling of some wooden tires , suddenly the dogs and chickens stopped listening and the cart stopped its march.
It would have been around 3:00 in the morning when the trotting of the horses and the wheels of the cart was heard again, the dogs and chickens began to riot again. With fear invading his body, Juanito chose to look out the window, looking towards the street he managed to see a cart, which was driven by a man dressed in black, whose face was not visible because he was covered.
After observing this, Juanito returned to his bed, although he could not sleep. He only wanted dawn to go out and tell his grandfather what he had had to witness. As soon as the sky cleared, he jumped out of bed and went out into the street.
There he saw that a neighbor was crying sitting on the sidewalk, a few houses from hers, Juanito approached her, who told her that her husband had died of a heart attack at dawn, around 3:00 in the morning. tomorrow. Fear returned to his body and he ran to look for his grandfather.
After arriving with his grandfather, he was already waiting for him and before telling him everything that had happened, he told him: "it was the wagon of death that came to take the neighbor's soul."


  1. It is quite an entertaining story, for a moment I thought that the death car would take Juanito away, poor neighbor left before his time.

  2. Let's hope Juanito doesn't do it again, hahaha.

  3. Poor Juanito for being so disobedient jaja

  4. I have a family member who went through something similar.


  6. oh no, juanito should have listened to his grandfather


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